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1 апреля 2023 19:53
Read the dialogue. The questions are mixed up. Put the words into the correct order so thatmakes sense.
What do you want
to play
Tom: I want to play baseball,
When it
did you play last time?
Tom: I played it a week ago.
did it? you play
Tom: I played at school.
1. What do you want to play?
2. When did you play it last time?
3. Where did you play it?
проверенно в онлайн мектеп
2. When did you play it last time?
3. Where did you play it?
проверенно в онлайн мектеп
Хороший ответ
3 апреля 2023 19:53
Ответ: 1. What do you want to play?
2. When did you play it last time?
3. Where did you play it?
Всё правильно proveryal
2. When did you play it last time?
3. Where did you play it?
Всё правильно proveryal
3 апреля 2023 19:53
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