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Хороший ответ
10 июня 2024 21:51
Summary of the text: The text discusses the importance of dressing appropriately in different countries for business and social situations. In Argentina, a very formal and conservative dress code is expected, while in Brazil, style and fashion are prioritized. Saudi Arabia emphasizes modesty and requires full business suits, especially for women. France values style and high-quality clothing, with a focus on avoiding certain colors and maintaining a chic appearance. The UK has a tradition of custom tailoring and conservative styles, influenced by the country's weather. The text also provides insights into the cultural significance of clothing choices in each country, such as social norms, cl
Хороший ответ
5 июня 2024 17:42
Based on the article "Dressing the Truth," here are some notes on the expressions mentioned: 1. Personal image management: Refers to the skills individuals develop to communicate non-verbally through their appearance. It involves selecting appropriate items to manage one's personal image effectively. 2. Dressing for effect: Describes the act of intentionally choosing clothing and accessories to make a statement or create a specific impression. It is seen as a game that everyone plays, influencing personal, economic, social, and romantic relationships. 3. Non-verbal communication: Emphasizes the importance of visual cues and appearances in everyday interactions. It suggests that appearance
Хороший ответ
4 июня 2024 20:00
1. In my country, people typically dress in business casual attire for work. Some companies do have dress-down days on Fridays where employees can dress more casually. 2. Advantages of dressing appropriately for work include making a good impression, feeling confident, and adhering to company dress codes. Disadvantages could include feeling uncomfortable in certain clothing or having to spend more money on professional attire. Vocabulary 3.1. - She wears a business suit to work every day. - He undresses as soon as he gets home from work. - The company clothed all employees in matching uniforms. - She loves to dress up for special occasions. - He tends to overdress for casual events. - On F
Хороший ответ
4 июня 2024 20:03
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