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2 апреля 2023 07:43

Напишите пожалуйста блог на английском на любую тему. Пример во вложении

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It's rather cold here, and New Year's Eve is coming, but I cannot imagine, what I should give my relatives on holiday. My friends say that presents are not so important, they say that caring is better. But I want to make my relatives happy giving them some things, that they really need. So, I saw something really great, looking for presents in Barbara's Shop. It was a little kitten meowing so loud that I could not hear anything else. Its name is Rarity. I think my Mum, Dad and sister will adore it, so, I will buy it tomorrow for them.
Happy New Year! Have nice holidays, friends.

Хороший ответ
4 апреля 2023 07:43
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