Лучшие помощники
2 апреля 2023 09:29

ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО НУЖНО!! ПОМОГИТЕ, пожалуйста!Задание:
Фразовый глагол "Получить". Завершите фразовый глагол правильными предлаголгами.

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the
correct prepositions:

1. Do you ____ with your brother?
2. This grammar material is so difficult. The teacher fails to ____ it ____ to the students.
3. This rainy weather ____ me ____ .
4. She couldn't ____ the fact that her son had failed the exam.​

1 ответ
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1) Do you get along with your brother?
2) The teacher fails to get it across to the students.
3) This rainy weather gets me down.
4) She couldn't get over the fact that her son had failed the exam.
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4 апреля 2023 09:29
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