Лучшие помощники
2 апреля 2023 10:18

A Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B.Column A Column B

1 student A loan
2 pocket B part
3 household C course
4 take D money
5 race E chores

B Fill in the correct word.
• earn • competitors • lend • owe • joke

6 “Tina, here’s the £ 10 I ……… you.” “Thank you very much.”
7 How much does Kate ……… from her job?
8 She’s always playing a ….. on Sam.
9 Can you …… me some money? I’m broke!
10 About 40,000 …… run in the London Marathon each year.

C Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
11 Helen is ……..to win the race.
A determined B outgoing C reserved
12 James writes children’s books; he’s very …… .
A brave B active C creative
13 Ian makes new friends very easily; he’s so …… .
A sensitive B sociable C shy
14 Jake loves doing extreme sports; he’s very ….. .
A boring B adventurous C cautious
15 Dave dreams of becoming president one day; he’s extremely ….. .
A imaginative B brave C ambitious

D Choose the correct preposition.

16 Ian has taken in/ up tennis.
17 Why don’t you take off/ out your hat?
18 On her birthday I took my sister over/ out to an expensive restaurant.
19 Your daughter has taken off/ after you. You look so much alike (одинаково).
20 I think you need to take these trousers out/ in; they’re very loose(широкий) on you.
21 Helen will take over/ up the business when her father gets old.

F Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form (ing form/ inf./ inf. without to)

21 Please remind me …….(return) the DVD to the video club.
22 My mother made me …… (clean) my room today.
23 Would you like …… (go) shopping tomorrow?
24 I don’t mind …… (watch) this film again.
25 Let me …… (help) you with the bags.
26 Jane hates ……(take) the car to the garage.
27 I can’t wait …… (hear) your news.
28 Kate must ……(see) a doctor as soon as possible.
29 Rick and Diane enjoy …… (do) extreme sports.
30 I’m looking forward to …… (travel) to South America next week.
31 What do you want …… (eat) tonight?
32 I can’t help …… (wonder) what is wrong with him tonight.

G Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

33 My father is crazy ……… photography.
A about B with C in
34 Mrs Jenkins is fond ….. painting.
A at B with C of
35 Are you interested …… mythology?
A in B at C with
36 I’m very proud ….. you!
A with B of C about
37 Luke is brilliant ….. basketball.
A at B in C on

H Write the true sentences about yourself.

38 I’d love ……
39 I’m keen on ……
40 I prefer ……

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задание А:
1A student loan
2D pocket money
3E household chores
4B take part
5C race course

Задание В:
6 “Tina, here’s the £ 10 I OWE you.” “Thank you very much.”
7 How much does Kate EARN from her job?
8 She’s always playing a JOKE on Sam.
9 Can you LEND me some money? I’m broke!
10 About 40,000 COMPETITORS run in the London Marathon each year.

Задание С:
11a, 12c, 13b, 14b, 15c

Задание D:
16. up
17. off
18. out
19. after
20. in
21. over

Задание E:
21. Please remind me TO RETURN the DVD to the video club.
22 My mother made me CLEAN my room today.
23 Would you like TO GO shopping tomorrow?
24 I don’t mind WATCHING this film again.
25 Let me HELP you with the bags.
26 Jane hates TAKING the car to the garage.
27 I can’t wait TO HEAR your news.
28 Kate must SEE a doctor as soon as possible.
29 Rick and Diane enjoy DOING extreme sports.
30 I’m looking forward to TRAVELLING to South America next week.
31 What do you want TO EAT tonight?
32 I can’t help WONDERING what is wrong with him tonight.

Задание G:

Задание H (здесь индивидуально, напишу о себе, может подойдет остальным):
38. I'd love to
travel to Asian countries, especially Japan, Thailand and South Korea.
39. I'm keen on
learning how to ride a motorcycle.
40. I prefer to work out in the evening rather than in the morning.

Хороший ответ
4 апреля 2023 10:18
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