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3 апреля 2023 05:49
"Дары Волхвов" О`Генри.
Пересказ на английском!
Jim and Della lived in an old house in New York. They worked from early morning till late at night. But they got very little money for their work. Nevertheless, they had two things which were very dear to them - Della's beautiful hair and Jim's gold watch.
Christmas was coming and Della didn't have money to make Jim a present. She was upset. Suddenly an idea came to her. She went to the hairdresser's shop and offered to buy her hair. She got 20 dollars for her haircut and went to buy a present for Jim. In one of the shops she saw a beautiful watch chain and decided to buy it.
When Della came home, Jim was already waiting for her. Della gave the watch-chain to him. She also said that her hair would grow and she wanted to give him a present. But Della's present was of no use to Jim. Because he had sold his gold watch to buy two beautiful combs for Della that she wanted for so long.
Christmas was coming and Della didn't have money to make Jim a present. She was upset. Suddenly an idea came to her. She went to the hairdresser's shop and offered to buy her hair. She got 20 dollars for her haircut and went to buy a present for Jim. In one of the shops she saw a beautiful watch chain and decided to buy it.
When Della came home, Jim was already waiting for her. Della gave the watch-chain to him. She also said that her hair would grow and she wanted to give him a present. But Della's present was of no use to Jim. Because he had sold his gold watch to buy two beautiful combs for Della that she wanted for so long.
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5 апреля 2023 05:49
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