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- Megamozg 2200 б
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3 апреля 2023 09:29
Сколько будет по английски 5:00 , 4:45 , 6:30 , 10:45 , 7:33 , 2:15Ответьте плиз дам 25 пунктов
5:00 It is five o'clock.
4:45 It is a quarter to five.
6:30 It is half past six.
10:45 It is a quarter to eleven.
7:33 It is twenty seven to eight.
2:15 It is a quarter past two.
4:45 It is a quarter to five.
6:30 It is half past six.
10:45 It is a quarter to eleven.
7:33 It is twenty seven to eight.
2:15 It is a quarter past two.
Хороший ответ
5 апреля 2023 09:29
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