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A-6 in fact leaning by about 0.26 degrees, according to reports
B-7 worrying about Big Ben's immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy
C-3 towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament
D-5 meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections
E-2 in fact ,the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves
F-4 and repairs took nearly nine month to be completed
Ответ: 1. - выпадает: towards a faster, more economical way of repairing the tower.
B-7 worrying about Big Ben's immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy
C-3 towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament
D-5 meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections
E-2 in fact ,the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves
F-4 and repairs took nearly nine month to be completed
Ответ: 1. - выпадает: towards a faster, more economical way of repairing the tower.
Хороший ответ
5 апреля 2023 11:58
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