Лучшие помощники
14 сентября 2022 13:16

Упражнение 1 задайте общий, специальный, разделительный вопроско всем предложениям1) He watches a little bird in the park every day.2) She found the ball in the garden.3) He will be at home on Monday.6класс

1 ответ
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1) He watches a little bird in the park every day.
Общий - Does he watch a little bird in the park every day?
Cпециальный - When does he watch a little bird in the park?
Pазделительный - He watches a little bird in the park every day, doesn't he?

2) She found the ball in the garden.
Общий - Did she find the ball in the garden?
Cпециальный - Why did she find the ball in the garden?
Pазделительный - She found the ball in the garden, didn't she?

3) He will be at home on Monday.
Общий - Will he be at home on Monday?
Cпециальный - When will he be at home?
Pазделительный - He will be at home on Monday, won't he?
Хороший ответ
14 сентября 2022 13:27
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