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21 апреля 2023 13:39

Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме и скажите, какое придаточное предложение вводится союзами if или when:

1. I don’t know if I (to find) this book but if I (to buy) it it will be a good birthday present for my friend. 2. Does he know when they (to go) on the excursion? 3. I’ll give this book to you when I (to finish) reading it. 4. Will you go to the skating rink if he (to ask) you to? 5. We don’t know when she (to come) to us but when she (to come) we’ll invite her to the party.

1 ответ
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1. I don't know if I will find this book, but if I buy it, it will be a good birthday present for my friend. (if)
2. Does he know when they will go on the excursion? (when)
3. I'll give this book to you when I finish reading it. (when)
4. Will you go to the skating rink if he asks you to? (if)
5. We don't know when she will come to us, but when she comes, we'll invite her to the party. (when)
Хороший ответ
21 апреля 2023 13:45
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