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Прочитайте текст, перепишитеи письменно переведите абзацы № 1, 3, 5, 8.
(1) Paul Lavrov is Head master (директоршколы) of the Russian Embassy school in Great Britain. He has a wife and two children – his son
Alex is eight and his daughter Ann is twelve. His wife Helen is a teacher of
geography. She teaches geography at the Embassy school. Alex and Ann
go to school.
(2) Paul and his family live in London. They have a three-room flat in a
new block of flats.
(3) Paul and Helen get up not very early, usually at seven o’clock. They
do their physical exercises. Then Paul shaves and takes a shower and Helen wakes up Ann and Alex. Ann and Alex wash their hands and faces, and
brush their teeth. After that the Lavrovs have breakfast. They usually have
ham, cheese, eggs, tea or coffee with toasts for breakfast. During breakfast
they listen to the latest news on the radio.
(4) At eight o’clock the school bus takes Ann and Alex to school. Their
classes begin at nine. When Helen has a geography class in the morning
she also goes to school by the school bus. But if she has a class in the afternoon she goes to school by bus or by tube.
(5) Paul drives to the school in his car, it takes him only ten minutes. He
usually has a lot of things to do. He looks through class registers, makes
phone calls and speaks to the teachers and pupils. Twice or three times a
week he visits classes.
(6) Paul often has lunch at home. After lunch he goes back to the
school. Paul’s working day finishes at six o’clock.
(7) In the evening Paul and Helen sometimes go out or have guests at
home. Tonight they are going to visit the Browns. It is eight o’clock now.
The Browns and their quests are at the table. They are having dinner. Mr.
Brown is asking Alex and Ann about their studies. Alex and Ann are answering his questions. After dinner Amy Brown is going to show Ann her
new little dog.
(8)Yesterday was their week-end. The Lavrovslike to spend their weekends together. Yesterday afternoon after the walk Paul and Alex played
chess. Ann helped her mother about the house. In the evening the family
gathered at the table. They had tea with cakes and biscuits, listened to music and discussed their plans for the future. They went to bed rather late.
Абзац 3: Пол и Елена встают не очень рано, обычно в семь часов. Они занимаются физическими упражнениями. Затем Пол бреется и принимает душ, а Елена будит Энн и Алекса. Энн и Алекс умываются и чистят зубы. После этого Лавровы завтракают. Обычно они едят ветчину, сыр, яйца, пьют чай или кофе с тостами на завтрак. Во время завтрака они слушают последние новости по радио.
Абзац 5: Пол ездит на своей машине в школу, ему требуется всего десять минут. Обычно у него много дел. Он просматривает классные журналы, звонит по телефону и разговаривает с учителями и учениками. Два или три раза в неделю он посещает классы.
Абзац 8: Вчера был их выходной день. Лавровы любят проводить выходные вместе. Вчера после прогулки Пол и Алекс играли в шахматы. Энн помогала маме по дому. Вечером семья собралась за столом. Они пили чай с пирожными и печеньем, слушали музыку и обсуждали свои планы на будущее. Они легли спать довольно поздно.