- Megamozg 2205 б
- Matalya1 1800 б
- DevAdmin 1720 б
- arkasha_bortnikov 895 б
- Dwayne_Johnson 860 б
Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
1. When cinema was born?
2. What country produced the first dramatic film?
3. Why is the film Jazz Singer important in the history of cinema?
4. How many names of films, actors and directors mentioned in the text can you remember?
Exercise 2. Translate into English.
1. публика, которая платит деньги
2. хроники новостей, показывающие процессии и войны
3. искусство кино быстро развивалось
4. великие достижения России в области кинематографии
5. с помощью титров
6. длинные очереди
7. немые фильмы
8. полностью звуковой фильм
9. цветные фильмы
10. черно-белые фильмы
Exercise 3. Find in the text the names of these films.
1. Зарабатывая на жизнь
2. История преступления
3. Пиковая дама
4. Огни Нью-Йорка
5. Броненосец «Потемкин»
6. Большое ограбление поезда
7. Отец Сергий
8. По закону
9. Земля
10. Мать
2. Match the names of these films with their types.
1 a musical
2 a western
3 a comedy
4 a science fiction film
5 a crime film
6 a horror film
A a film about space travel or life in an imaginary future
B a film about criminals and detectives
C a film with lots of music and dance
D a film about cowboys and life in the Wild West
E a funny film with a happy ending
F a film in which mysterious and frightening things happen
3. Guess the film profession.
1. You tell the actors what to do: you are
a) Director
b) Producer
c) Cameraman
2. Your uncle is financing the film. What is he called?
a) The director
b) The producer
c) The bank manager
3. Your sister created the story and wrote the actors’ words. She is:
a) A scriptwriter
b) An editor
c) A playwright
4. The person who puts all the different pieces of the film together is called:
a) A cameraman
b) An editor
c) A scriptwriter
Exercise 1:
1. Cinema was born in the late 19th century, around 1895.
2. The first dramatic film was produced in France.
3. The film Jazz Singer is important in the history of cinema because it was the first feature-length film with synchronized sound.
4. The number of names of films, actors, and directors mentioned in the text is not specified, so it's up to your memory!
Exercise 2:
1. paying audience
2. newsreels showing processions and wars
3. the art of cinema was developing rapidly
4. great achievements of Russia in the field of cinema
5. with the help of titles
6. long queues
7. silent films
8. fully sound film
9. color films
10. black and white films
Exercise 3:
1. Зарабатывая на жизнь - A Man with a Movie Camera
2. История преступления - The Story of a Crime
3. Пиковая дама - The Queen of Spades
4. Огни Нью-Йорка - Lights of New York
5. Броненосец «Потемкин» - Battleship Potemkin
6. Большое ограбление поезда - The Great Train Robbery
7. Отец Сергий - Father Sergius
8. По закону - By the Law
9. Земля - Earth
10. Мать - Mother
Exercise 4:
1. a musical - The Sound of Music
2. a western - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
3. a comedy - Bridesmaids
4. a science fiction film - Blade Runner
5. a crime film - The Godfather
6. a horror film - The Shining
Exercise 5:
1. Director
2. Producer
3. Scriptwriter
4. Editor