Лучшие помощники
30 мая 2023 02:00

Нужно переделать предложения в passive voice по примеру.

V. Make the sentences Passive.

Model: They fit this stop valve in the main steam supply line.

This stop valve is fitted the main steam supply line.

1. We usually refer to certain fittings as boiler mountings.

2. They mount safety gives in pairs to protect the boiler against overpressure.

3. We may make a provision for injecting water treatment chemicals.

4. At opposite ends of the boiler they fit water level gauges or "gauge glasses”.

5. We use low level alarm to provide audible warning of low water level conditions.

6. Cocks and pipes connect the glass tube to the boiler shell.

7. Front and back metal plates with the glass plates and a centre metal plate between make up the assembly fun as a "sandwich".

8. We must take care to ensure all round tightening of the bolts.

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1. Certain fittings are usually referred to as boiler mountings.
2. Safety valves are mounted in pairs by them to protect the boiler against overpressure.
3. A provision for injecting water treatment chemicals may be made by us.
4. Water level gauges or "gauge glasses" are fitted at opposite ends of the boiler.
5. Audible warning of low water level conditions is provided by using low level alarm.
6. The glass tube is connected to the boiler shell by cocks and pipes.
7. The assembly is made up of front and back metal plates with the glass plates and a centre metal plate between, functioning as a "sandwich".
8. All round tightening of the bolts must be ensured by us.
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30 мая 2023 02:03
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