Лучшие помощники
31 мая 2023 08:29

1. On entering the living room Mary (to understand) that her two mates (to get) up and (to wait) for her.

understood, got, were waiting

understood, had got, had been waiting

understood, got, waited

had understood, got, waited

2. Tomorrow Mother (to come) late. Beth and I (to do) all the homework and (to drink) coffee when she (to come).

will come, will do, will be drinking, will come

comes, will have done, will be drinking, will come

will come, will have done, will drink, will come

will come, will have done, will be drinking, comes

3. Yesterday Peter (to come) home earlier, (to take) his umbrella and (to go) out.

came, had taken, went

came, took, went

came, had taken, had gone

came, took, had gone

4. By 8 o’clock Mother (to come) home and at 8 she (to have) supper.

had come, was having

had come, had had

came, had had

came, had

5. When Peter (to ring) up his friend, she (to sleep).

was ringing, slept

rang, had slept

rang, was sleeping

had rung, was sleeping

6. When evening came, the blizzard (already to stop) though the snow (to fall still).

was already stopping, had still fallen

had already stopped, still fell

had already stopped, was still falling

stopped, was still falling

7. Mary asked whether Peter (to be) at home.



would be


8. As soon as my sister (to come) we (to go) shopping together.

comes, will go

will come, go

comes, go

will come, will go

9. The train (to arrive) at two o'clock.


will arrive

is arrive


10. "Hi! I'm on holiday in Paris. I (to stay) with my girlfriend, Jane."


am being staying

am staying


11. Hanna (to offer) a new job.

have offered

has been offered

has offering

was been offered

12. When did you realise that your bicycle (to disappear)?

was disappeared

had disappeared

had been disappeared


13. My wife (to come) home two seconds ago.


has come

has been coming

had come

14. If she (not to work) hard, she'll fail her final examinations.

wouldn't work

hadn't worked

won't work

doesn't work

15. Olivia said that she (to buy) a new dress.

had bought

will buy



16. I (to have) dinner by 7 o'clock yesterday.

was having


had had

had had had

17. This time tomorrow (to swim) in the Mediterranean Sea.

I'll swimming

I swim

I'll swim

I'll be swimming

18. I'm afraid we (never to meet) before.

have never met

didn't met

didn't meet

haven't never met

19. When Petra came home late at night, my relatives (to have dinner).

had already had dinner

have been having dinner

have already had dinner

had dinner

20. James was sure that he (to pass) the examinations well.


will pass

would pass

has passed

21. I've lost my purse. — When (to lose it)?

have you lost it

had you lost it

did you lose it

had you lose it


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When did you lose it?
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31 мая 2023 08:30
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