Лучшие помощники
8 сентября 2023 07:58

21 __many countries this year?

b Do you visit

c Have you visited

a Did you visit

d Are you visiting

22 Rachel’s __ bought the tickets for the concert. She got four.

a already

c yet

b ever

d never

23 Has Jean __ travelled to the Caribbean?

a yet

b never

c ever

d before

24 I haven’t finished the book __ . I have 20 pages to read.

d ever

b yet

a never

c already

25 The story ____ in a small English village.

a is about

b is a classic

c takes part

d takes place

26 I’m sorry. I’m not interested __ seeing that film.

d for

b on

a in

c at

27 When Tim__ home, he had a bath.

c got

d has got

b gets

a was getting

28 At 7 a.m. I __ breakfast. What were you doing?

d was eating

c am eating

a ate

b eat

29 When I __ dinner, I heard a strange noise.

b was cooking

d am cooking

a cooked

c has cooked

30 My sister __ mushrooms when she was a child.

c didn’t like

b hasn’t liked

a doesn’t like

d wasn’t liking

31 Have you visited your uncle in Australia____ ?

c ever

a never

d just

b before

1 ответ
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A Did you visit
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8 сентября 2023 08:00
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