Лучшие помощники
16 сентября 2023 08:36

Exercise 4. Are the underlined verbs used right or wrong? Correct the wrong ones.

1. Last night my sister fell ill. We had to call the doctor.

2. Jane must wear glasses. She has bad eyesight.

3. I can fix the car myself. I have to take it to a motor repair shop. 4. I couldn’t join you last Friday night. I didn’t have to work late. 5. The government should do something about the rising prices. 6. I think you should give up smoking.

7. You mustn’t tell them what you have seen! It’s my private life!


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1. Last night my sister fell ill. We had to call the doctor. (Correct)
2. Jane must wear glasses. She has bad eyesight. (Correct)
3. I can fix the car myself. I have to take it to a motor repair shop. (Wrong - "have to" should be "don't have to")
4. I couldn’t join you last Friday night. I didn’t have to work late. (Correct)
5. The government should do something about the rising prices. (Correct)
6. I think you should give up smoking. (Correct)
7. You mustn’t tell them what you have seen! It’s my private life! (Correct)
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16 сентября 2023 08:39
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