Лучшие помощники
24 сентября 2023 15:41

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное настоящее время.

1. A: Why are your clothes dirty?

B: Because I … (work) in the garden all morning.

2. A: Why are you upset?

B: Because I … (lose) my car keys.

3. A: Would you like some homemade cake?

B: Yes, please. It … (smell) delicious.

4. A: Are you busy?

B: Yes. I … (work) on this project all day and I … (still/not finish).

5. A: Who … (use) my MP3 player?

B: I have.

6. A: What's that noise?

B: Jason … (have) a birthday party.

7. A: What … (people/wear) on Remembrance Day?

B: A little red paper poppy.

8. A: … (you/find) a dress for the prom night?

B: Unfortunately, not yet.

1 ответ
Посмотреть ответы
1. A: Why are your clothes dirty?
B: Because I have been working in the garden all morning.

2. A: Why are you upset?
B: Because I have lost my car keys.

3. A: Would you like some homemade cake?
B: Yes, please. It smells delicious.

4. A: Are you busy?
B: Yes. I have been working on this project all day and I still haven't finished.

5. A: Who has used my MP3 player?
B: I have.

6. A: What's that noise?
B: Jason is having a birthday party.

7. A: What do people wear on Remembrance Day?
B: A little red paper poppy.

8. A: Have you found a dress for the prom night?
B: Unfortunately, not yet.
Хороший ответ
24 сентября 2023 15:42
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