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27 сентября 2023 16:00

Что такое "Sweet Sixteen"? Прочитай текст и выбери правильное слово.

Sweet 16

A sweet sixteen is a 1) specific/special/particular/ unique type of birthday party for young girls in the USA. It is a type of coming-of-age celebration and it is a major

2) experience/party/event/happening in a teenage girl's life.

Whenever there is a party, most girls get really excited about it, so you can imagine how much fuss is made about a sweet sixteen party. Many girls spend most of

their senior year of junior high school talking about and planning their parties - what theme to have, where to

3) enjoy/do/keep/hold it and, of course, what to wear! How big the party is 4) depends/relies/bases/rests mostly on the budget of the parents. Some parties are very 5) formal/informal/casual/strict. They take place at a hotel with a band, rich food, a photographer, flower arrangements and much more. Other kinds of sweet sixteen parties are more casual. Some girls have a barbecue or even a beach party. Others 6) select/ decide/choose/prefer on dinner and a trip to the theatre in a limousine. However they choose to celebrate though, everyone wants to 7) remind/think/remember/recall their sweet sixteen as a special day in their life.

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Sweet Sixteen - это особый тип вечеринки, организуемой для молодых девушек в США. Это своеобразное торжество вступления во взрослую жизнь и является важным событием в жизни подростка.

1) specific
2) event
3) hold
4) depends
5) formal
6) prefer
7) remember
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27 сентября 2023 16:09
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