Лучшие помощники
11 октября 2023 14:10

помогите выполнить задания с текстом:

A) I'm Andy and here's my latest blog. If you've been reading this page regularly, then you'll know that I'm in a band. Well, I've got some really exciting news! The most amazing thing happened last weekend.

B) Two months ago we started our own website so we've been uploading loads of songs since then. While I was reading people's recent posts I noticed that there was one from the lead singer of Connection! You'll never guess what it said... he really liked our songs! OK, you might say that Connection are not that famous yet and there are lots of bands like them. However, they have been on TV and I think they're really cool. Actually, we've had a lot of great comments since we put the songs online. Anyway, after I'd read all the posts, we had a ten hour band meeting and as C a result we've got a plan! First, we're going to finish our debut CD and update our website with some videoclips. Then we're going to let people download one song for free from our website. After that, in a couple of months' time, we're going to join an online music company so people can download our music - and pay for it of course.

C) So, friends and fans, keep watching this space because we're on our way to becoming famous! Find out more about our exciting plans on my next blog!

1 задание: какие утверждения о ведении блога верны?

1) You use informal language and talk directly to the 'audience'.

2)You don't use contractions.

3)It's important to get the audience's attention.

4)You try to finish with an interesting phrase that makes the audience wonder what will happen in your next blog.

5) You don't introduce yourself.

6)You don't need to use connectors or sequencing words; the audience will still be able to follow the events.

2 задание: найдите в тексте...

1)three words or expressions the writer uses to sequence his plans.

2)three time expressions.

3)three expressions to get the reader's attention.

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1 задание:
1) You use informal language and talk directly to the 'audience'.
3) It's important to get the audience's attention.
4) You try to finish with an interesting phrase that makes the audience wonder what will happen in your next blog.

2 задание:
1) three words or expressions the writer uses to sequence his plans: "First", "Then", "After that"
2) three time expressions: "last weekend", "Two months ago", "in a couple of months' time"
3) three expressions to get the reader's attention: "The most amazing thing happened", "You'll never guess what it said", "we've had a lot of great comments"
Хороший ответ
11 октября 2023 14:12
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