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11 октября 2023 20:23

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17.20. Перефразируйте придаточные предложения с союзами when и while, используя причастия (Participle I и Participle II), и переведите получившиеся предложения. Example: When you cook, be careful with knifes. When cooking, be careful with knifes

1. When she was playing the piano she looked much happier than when she was translating texts. 2. While I was running yesterday I was listening to music. 3. When Cole was told about the prize he was shocked. 4. When the regulation is discussed it will be issued. 5. While she was reading in her room she heard a strange sound in the kitchen. 6. When we were children we used to build huts. 7. When I arrived at the hotel I checked in and went to sleep. 8. You need to be attentive while you are passing your exams. 9. When Sara had finished her work and was watching TV she suddenly understood that she had missed the dancing classes. 10. While I was meeting  with Zoe a week ago I forgot to share the news about Walter with her.

17.21. Раскройте скобки, образуя соответствующие причастия, назовите функции, которые они выполняют в данных предложениях. 1. (Get stuck) in a traffic jam he was very angry. 2. (Judge) by the weather we won't be able to go to the picnic. 3. I saw a strange letter (ask) him to come to Paris immediately. 4. (Wash) the dishes she startec hoovering up the room. 5. (Not remember) the number of my house he called me to ask it. 6. (Do) hi: homework Walter went to meet with Kyle and have a walk with him. 7. There were a lot of ducks at the lake (look for) food. 8. My parents always paid attention to my opinions and ideas (give) me an opportunity to express myself. 9. Take public transport today! It is dangerous to drive a (break) car, 10. (Watch) by th nurse the boy is afraid to misbehave himself.

17.22. Раскройте скобки, выбрав необходимое причастие; укажите на случаи использовани конструкций Complex object.

1. The grammar book (writing/written) by our professor is very useful. 2. It is difficult to remember a the countries (visiting/visited) by them in last three years. 3. I listened to my sister (singing/sung) he new songs in the concert. 4. When he looked back he saw a person (coming/come) towards him. 5.1 ar surprised at the amount of mushrooms (gathering/gathered) by your grandfather. 6. The boy (drawing drawn) a lion is my son. 7. In the illustration in my book I saw a lovely house (surrounding/surrounded) t blooming yard. 8. (Walking/walked) in the park I found a small pond never (seeing/seen) before. 9. Jul and I were at the exhibition (organizing/organized) by her student. 10. Do you see that woman (washin washed) the windows? This is my grumbling neighbour I told you about.

17.23. Переведите предложения, используя причастия (Participle I u Participle II). 1. Будьте осторожны, когда катаетесь на лыжах. 2. В книге было несколько картинок, нарисованні сыном автора. 3. Отправив электронное письмо клиенту, я пошла на совещание. 4. Я знак с девушкой, разговаривающей с твоим братом. 5. Улетев утром, к вечеру наша семья оказалась море. 6. Наша отремонтированная машина выглядела намного лучше, чем три недели назад. 7. О написала ещё одно сообщение, не получив ответ на первое. 8. Чувствуя головную боль, она реши померить температуру. 9. Мы болтали, сначала играя в бадминтон, а затем купаясь в реке. 10. Деньги заработанные вчера, он отдал на благотворительность.

1 ответ
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1. When skiing, be careful.
2. The book, written by our professor, is very useful.
3. After sending an email to the client, I went to a meeting.
4. I saw a sign with a girl talking to your brother.
5. By evening, our family was at the sea, having flown in the morning.
6. Our repaired car looked much better than three weeks ago.
7. She wrote another message, not receiving a response to the first one.
8. Feeling a headache, she decided to take her temperature.
9. We chatted, first playing badminton, and then swimming in the river.
10. He donated the money earned yesterday to charity.
Хороший ответ
11 октября 2023 20:24
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