Лучшие помощники
21 октября 2023 20:11

Make participle clauses from these sentences.

Example: Before he left the house, he switched off the lights. → Before leaving the house, he switched off the lights.

  1. While he was cooking dinner, he cut her finger.
  2. When he travels around Germany, he always stays in cheap hostels.
  3. Since she didn't hear the calling, she missed the delivery.
  4. While she was talking on the phone, she forgot everything around them.
  5. Since she didn't feel well, she stayed in bed.

1 ответ
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While cooking dinner, he cut her finger.
When traveling around Germany, he always stays in cheap hostels.
Not hearing the calling, she missed the delivery.
Talking on the phone, she forgot everything around them.
Not feeling well, she stayed in bed.
Хороший ответ
21 октября 2023 20:12
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