Лучшие помощники
14 ноября 2023 08:43

Написать предложения из перечисленных слов ниже

come across (случайно натолкнуться), come down with (заболеть чем-либо), come out (выступать (на публике)), come over (овладеть (о чувстве)), come up with (предлагать (идею)).

1 ответ
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1. I came across an old photo album while cleaning out the attic.
2. She came down with the flu and had to stay home from work.
3. The famous actor came out on stage to thunderous applause.
4. A wave of sadness came over me as I listened to the heartbreaking news.
5. He came up with a brilliant solution to the problem that no one else had thought of.
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14 ноября 2023 08:45
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