Лучшие помощники
14 ноября 2023 19:12

Напишите предложения со словами перечисленные ниже

make life easier (сделать жизнь проще), stay on good terms with (быть в хороших отношениях с), value (ценить), agree rules and boundaries (согласовывать правила и границы), main concern (главная проблема), keep safe (хранить в безопасности), acceptable behaviour (приемлемое поведение), stick to (придерживаться), make the effort (приложить усилие), irritated (раздраженный), get cross (разозлиться), do well at school (хорошо учиться в школе), leave sth till the last minute (оставлять это на последнюю минуту), ask for advice (попросить совет), distrustful (недоверчивый), tend to (склонен к).

1 ответ
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1. Using technology can make life easier and more convenient.
2. It is important to stay on good terms with your neighbors to maintain a peaceful living environment.
3. I value honesty and integrity in my relationships.
4. It is essential to agree on rules and boundaries within a shared living space to avoid conflicts.
5. The main concern of the organization is to improve customer satisfaction.
6. To keep your belongings safe, it is advisable to lock your doors and windows.
7. Teachers should establish clear expectations for acceptable behavior in the classroom.
8. It is important to stick to your principles and values, even in challenging situations.
9. If you want to succeed, you need to make the effort and work hard.
10. I feel irritated when people are constantly late for appointments.
11. He tends to get cross easily when things don't go his way.
12. It is important to do well at school to secure future opportunities.
13. Leaving your assignments till the last minute often leads to unnecessary stress.
14. When faced with a difficult decision, it is wise to ask for advice from trusted friends or family members.
15. He is distrustful of strangers and takes time to build trust with new people.
Хороший ответ
14 ноября 2023 19:15
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