Лучшие помощники
16 ноября 2023 21:11

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1. In this first assignment, we will _______________________ your work and then give you detailed feedback on how to improve your writing.


a)   assess b) judge c) measure


2. In a seminar or tutorial, everyone should take part rather than allow one person to _______________ the discussion.


a)   overwhelm b) dominate c) oppress


 3. Although it is impossible to give a _________________________ age, we believe that the

woman was between 25 and 30 when she died.


a) definite b) certain c) absolute


4. Rather than try to treat it, the best _________________________ to the problem of poor public health may be to attempt to prevent it.


a) way b) method c) approach


5. Surprisingly perhaps, the biggest _________________________ health risk for tourists travelling abroad is actually road traffic accidents.


a)   potential b) possible c) theoretical


6. Water is made up of two _______________________, namely oxygen and hydrogen.


a) sections b) aspects c) elements



7. Computers can be difficult to repair because there may be hundreds of different ________________ inside.


a) components b) pieces c) parts


8. Because Paris is expensive, many organizations pay higher salaries to _________________ for the high cost of living there.


a) compensate b) adjust c) redress

 9. Many people were killed instantly at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but thousands more died from _________________ radiation sickness.


a)   succeeding b) following c) subsequent


 10. The clothing of men and women used to be quite ___________________________, whereas today women often wear trousers as well as men.


a) distinct b) diverse c) distinguished



11. Research _______________________ that customers want free car-parking when they go shopping.


 a) claims b) indicates c) points out



12. In political terms, the Middle East is one of the most unstable __________________________ of the world.


a) locations b) places c) regions


13. The ___________________________ cause of death today in Britain is heart disease, with cancer in second place.


a) first b) prime c) initial










1 ответ
Посмотреть ответы
1. a) assess
2. b) dominate
3. a) definite
4. c) approach
5. a) potential
6. c) elements
7. a) components
8. a) compensate
9. c) subsequent
10. a) distinct
11. b) indicates
12. c) regions
13. b) prime
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16 ноября 2023 21:12
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