Лучшие помощники
28 ноября 2023 16:48

Задание Nº 4:

Complete the dialogue, putting the verbs into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous as necessary.

Julia: Gosh, it

(be) busy this morning, hasn't it?

Pat: Yes, you look exhausted. What (you do)


I (not stop) this morning. I (write)letters (answer) the phone (do) the filling all morning it

(be) impossible!

Pat: It

(be) the same for me. My phone (ring) all morning I (write) five letters and I (interview) three 

people for that secretarial job.

Julia: Have you? Oh, I have interviewed one as well. And I (send) off another ten application forms to people who want them. It seems to be very popular.

Pat: It does, doesn't it? I can't think why. Four people (phone) me about it this morning 

Julia: Have they? Oh, and I (look)

through that letter you know the one managing director sent to all the staff.

Pat: Oh, yes, I have already read that. Not very interesting, is it?

Julia: No I think I

(read) it all before

1 ответ
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Julia: Gosh, it has been busy this morning, hasn't it?
Pat: Yes, you look exhausted. What have you been doing?
Julia: I haven't stopped this morning. I have been writing letters, answering the phone, and doing the filing all morning. It has been impossible!
Pat: It has been the same for me. My phone has been ringing all morning. I have written five letters and I have interviewed three people for that secretarial job.
Julia: Have you? Oh, I have interviewed one as well. And I have sent off another ten application forms to people who want them. It seems to be very popular.
Pat: It does, doesn't it? I can't think why. Four people have phoned me about it this morning.
Julia: Have they? Oh, and I have been looking through that letter, you know, the one the managing director sent to all the staff.
Pat: Oh, yes, I have already read that. Not very interesting, is it?
Julia: No, I think I have read it all before.
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28 ноября 2023 16:48
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