Лучшие помощники
5 декабря 2023 19:22

А, Проанализируйте предложения и определите, какое суще- ствительное заменяется союзом which/thаt или who (выполия

ющим функцию подлежащего в придаточном предложении):

глагол-сказуемое, стоящий после союза, имеет или не имеет

окончание «s» в зависимости от числа существительного, кото-

рое заменяется этим союзом.


The human body consists of cells which vary in size and


Our body is a machine that works day and night.

1. The skin, our largest organ, is a flexible protective shield that

maintains body moisture.

2. An organ system consists of two or more organs which perform

a specific task.

3. People who exercise regularly feel healthy.

4. People who exercise feel stronger than those who do not.

5. People who are physically active are less susceptible to the type

2 of diabetes.

6. Healthy joints contain an important fluid that lubricates and

nourishes them.

7. The human body has millions of cells that require nutrients and


1 ответ
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1. The skin, our largest organ, is a flexible protective shield that maintains body moisture. (The skin)
2. An organ system consists of two or more organs which perform a specific task. (An organ system)
3. People who exercise regularly feel healthy. (People)
4. People who exercise feel stronger than those who do not. (People)
5. People who are physically active are less susceptible to the type 2 of diabetes. (People)
6. Healthy joints contain an important fluid that lubricates and nourishes them. (Healthy joints)
7. The human body has millions of cells that require nutrients and energy. (The human body)
Хороший ответ
5 декабря 2023 19:24
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