Лучшие помощники
16 декабря 2023 02:19

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 Don't forget.. to switch (B).. off the light before you go out.

A switch

B to switch C switching

2 I's late. I must...


Ago to go


3 I'm sorry, but I don't have time.:.

to you now.

A for talking

B to talk C talking

  1. Gary is always in the kitchen. He enjoys.
  2. A cook B to cook C cooking
  3. We've decided

away for a few days.

A go Btogo


  1. You're making too much noise. Can you please stop...
  2. A shout B to shout C shouting
  3. Would you like..

and eat with us on Sunday?

A come B to come C coming

8 That bag is too heavy for you. Let me...

... you.

A help B to help


every day.

9 There's a swimming pool near my house. go

A to swim

B to swimming


10 1 need to go shopping

some food.

A to buy

B for buy C for buying

11 I'd love

... a car like yours.

A have B to have


12 Could you..

me with this bag, please?

Ahelp Bto help Chelping

13 l don't mind

here, but I'd prefer to sit by the window.

A sit B to sit C sitting

14 Do you want...


A that / help B me to help C me helping

15 You should think carefully before......

..an important decision.

A make B to make C making

16 I wasn't feeling very well, but the medicine made me

A feel B to feel feeling

17 Shall I phone the restaurant....

.... a table?

A for reserve B for reserving C to reserve

18 Tom looked at me without


A say saying C to say


номер - ответ

1 ответ
Посмотреть ответы
1 - B
2 - C
3 - B
4 - C
5 - A
6 - C
7 - B
8 - A
9 - B
10 - A
11 - B
12 - A
13 - C
14 - B
15 - C
16 - B
17 - C
18 - A
Хороший ответ
16 декабря 2023 02:21
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