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10 ноября 2022 17:51

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Для моего курса в колледже я занимаюсь проектом об общественных парках в городах по всему миру и о пользе, которую они приносят людям. С какими проблемами сталкиваются парки в вашей стране? Что можно сделать, чтобы улучшить и защитить их, и кто должен нести ответственность за эту работу?

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Hi Darla!

In our city we have just few parks and recreations. When we want to go outside, we often go to riverside or forest. But in summer there are a lot of snakes and wild dogs. The one and only park in the center of the town is called The Mudhole, becаuse there are no walking paths, benches, flower beds or any entertainment things, except for dirt. Also in the center of the park there is an abandoned police station with boarded up windows and marginals gathering for their secret drug parties. I think the government should demolish this station and make a large parking there. We need more big parks with attractions, fountains and fireworks, like in Disneyland! Maybe some day every city will have such park, although it's hard to believe in it now.
Well, I need to go, It's time to feed the bears!
Thank you and good bye!
Хороший ответ
11 ноября 2022 08:21
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