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21 декабря 2023 05:47

1. Вставьте подходящую форму глагола to be, to have. (Present Simple)

1. We ... students. 2. My cousin ... many toys. 3. 1 ... a disc. 4. This ... her house, 5. They ... a two-room flat. 6. ... you an engineer? 7. There ... a sofa and three chairs in the sitting-room. 8. She ... a girl of ten. 9.

My friend... wavy fair hair. 10. ... there a computer in your room? 11. Her uncle ... at work. 12. There ... some books on the desk. 13. The books ... in the bag. 14. There ... a blackboard, five desks and ten chairs in our class-room. 15. ... your parents at home? - No, they ... not. 16. My nephew ... not

1 ответ
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1. We are students.
2. My cousin has many toys.
3. I have a disc.
4. This is her house.
5. They have a two-room flat.
6. Are you an engineer?
7. There is a sofa and three chairs in the sitting-room.
8. She is a girl of ten.
9. My friend has wavy fair hair.
10. Is there a computer in your room?
11. Her uncle is at work.
12. There are some books on the desk.
13. The books are in the bag.
14. There is a blackboard, five desks and ten chairs in our class-room.
15. Are your parents at home? - No, they are not.
16. My nephew does not have
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21 декабря 2023 05:48
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