Лучшие помощники
17 января 2024 16:33

VOCABULARY Complete the words in this sentence about the natural world.

The Seychelles are i in the middle of the o.

Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

The ______ of Tasmania is part of the Australian state.

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Choose the correct word.

  • I _____ at 12 o'clock — in time for lunch!

*один правильный ответ

get in

get on

Choose the correct word.

  • The kiwi is an _____ species.

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in danger

Choose the correct word.

  • I’ll _____ in London for one night and leave the next day.

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stop over

take off

VOCABULARY Complete the words in this sentence about the natural world.

The kiwi lives in thick f.

Fill in the gap with the right key word

The bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are travelling is...

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Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

The police ______ the criminals for a long time and eventually caught them.

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Choose the correct word.

  • We enjoyed the film. It was very _____.

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Fill in the gap with the right key word.

... - to remove something that you do not want any longer

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Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

Ecologists take care of _______ animals and plants.

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Choose the correct word.

  • The train was _____ when I arrived.

*один правильный ответ

pulling out

getting off

Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

It annoys me that my friend likes to _______, because he thinks he's the best.

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Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

Chile is located on the coast and has a very long ________.

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VOCABULARY Complete the words in this sentence about the natural world.

The Sahara D stretches to the Mediterranean c.

Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are very heavily polluted, so many fish species are ______.

*открытый ответ

Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

Running away from an angry dog, a little boy ______ a high ladder.

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 VOCABULARY Choose the correct word.

  • They ______ at sunrise to cross the desert.

*один правильный ответ

set off

took off

Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

We waited a very long time at the airport for our flight and finally we managed to _____ the plane.

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Fill in the gap with the right key word

Animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive are...

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Choose the correct word.

  • I don’t carry my new _____. It’s got wheels.

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Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

________ doing homework, friends were playing an interesting new computer game.

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VOCABULARY Complete the words in this sentence about the natural world.

The north of Australia has a t c.

Complete the sentence with a word from the list below: boast, chased, coastline, endangered, get in, get off, got on, in danger, Instead of, island.

An elderly passenger had a lot of luggage, and I helped him ____ the train.

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Read the lesson materials. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

The spectacular Victoria Falls form the border between ___ and Zimbabwe.

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Read the lesson materials. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

The Skeleton Coast is in ___ .

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New Zealand



Read the lesson materials. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

Uluru in the centre of ___ is an unforgettable natural landmark.

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Read the lesson materials. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

There are more than 3,000 glaciers in ___ .

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New Zealand



Read the lesson materials. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

The ___ is the country made up of 115 islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

*один правильный ответ


New Zealand


Fill in the right words to complete the sentence.

breakfast • (to) change planes • (to) check in • city centre • departure gate • key card • (to) land • luggage • meal • single ticket • suitcases • taxi • ticket machines

The quickest and easiest way to get there is to take a __________ but it's also the most expensive one. 

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1 ответ
Посмотреть ответы
The Seychelles are located in the middle of the ocean.
The coastline of Tasmania is part of the Australian state.
I got on at 12 o'clock - in time for lunch!
The kiwi is an endangered species.
I'll stop over in London for one night and leave the next day.
The kiwi lives in thick forests.
The bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are travelling is luggage.
The police chased the criminals for a long time and eventually caught them.
We enjoyed the film. It was very laughable.
To remove something that you do not want any longer is to get rid of it.
Ecologists take care of endangered animals and plants.
The train was pulling out when I arrived.
It annoys me that my friend likes to boast, because he thinks he's the best.
Chile is located on the coast and has a very long coastline.
The Sahara Desert stretches to the Mediterranean coast.
Rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans are very heavily polluted, so many fish species are endangered.
Running away from an angry dog, a little boy got on a high ladder.
They set off at sunrise to cross the desert.
We waited a very long time at the airport for our flight and finally we managed to get on the plane.
Animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive are endangered.
I don't carry my new suitcase. It's got wheels.
Instead of doing homework, friends were playing an interesting new computer game.
The north of Australia has a tropical climate.
An elderly passenger had a lot of luggage, and I helped him get on the train.
The spectacular Victoria Falls form the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The Skeleton Coast is in Namibia.
Uluru in the centre of Australia is an unforgettable natural landmark.
There are more than 3,000 glaciers in New Zealand.
The Seychelles is the country made up of 115 islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
The quickest and easiest way to get there is to take a taxi, but it's also the most expensive one.
Хороший ответ
17 января 2024 16:36
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