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5 февраля 2024 01:56

Расставьте слова , чтобы получились предложения

1, authority, necessary, schools, local, provides, equipment, education, with. 2. schools, children, from the age of 7 to 16, must, attend. 3. who, in, school, taught, your, english? 4. teachers, primary schools, to study, encourage, in, different, things, children. 5. different, after, pupils, secondary school, establishments, enter. higher. 6. what, nursery play groups, finances, organization, these? 7. what, responsible you, for, are? 8. a, we, gave, lesson, good, him. 9. teacher, a, good various, of, methods, teaching, uses, at, lesson, the.

Источник: https://uchitu.ru/articles/authority-necessary-schools-local-provides-equipment-education-with-sostavit-predlozhenie.html

1 ответ
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1. Local authority provides schools with necessary equipment for education.
2. Children from the age of 7 to 16 must attend schools.
3. Who taught you English in school?
4. Teachers in primary schools encourage children to study different things.
5. Pupils enter different higher establishments after secondary school.
6. What organization finances these nursery play groups?
7. What are you responsible for?
8. We gave him a good lesson.
9. A good teacher uses various methods of teaching at the lesson.
Хороший ответ
5 февраля 2024 01:57
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