Лучшие помощники
5 февраля 2024 02:04

Complete the sentences using the following words: attend, vary, responsible, variety, finance, able, encouraged, establishments, provided, taught.

  1. Some voluntary bodies... this boarding school (школа-пансион).
  2. Schools are ... for the educational process. 3. Last year our teachers visited London and saw many educational ... there.-4. ... of exercises makes this textbook very interesting. 5. My parents ... me with good education. I'm very thankful to them. 6. The most ... students get scholarship (стипендия). 7. The Mr Brown's lessons are very interesting and we want to ... them. 8. His help ... me to finish this project. 9. After the university I ... History at the college. 10. Nowadays school pro-grammes ... very often.

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1. Some voluntary bodies attend this boarding school.
2. Schools are responsible for the educational process.
3. Last year our teachers visited London and saw many educational establishments there.
4. Variety of exercises makes this textbook very interesting.
5. My parents provided me with good education. I'm very thankful to them.
6. The most able students get scholarship.
7. The Mr Brown's lessons are very interesting and we want to attend them.
8. His help encouraged me to finish this project.
9. After the university I taught History at the college.
10. Nowadays school programmes vary very often.
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5 февраля 2024 02:06
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