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12 февраля 2024 01:24

Correct the statements if they are wrong.

1. The educational system and types of schools vary from region to region. 2. The Local Education Authority employs workers and other staff, provides and maintains sports grounds, supplies food and drinks. 3. The core subjects are Physical Training, Music and Art.

4. Schooling is compulsory for children from 7 to 16. 5. Primary education includes infant and junior schools. 6. At 14 the child goes to secondary school. 7. The most able children take more academic courses while those of lesser abilities follow practical courses as well as core subjects. 8. After final examinations at secondary schools pupils can enter the Universities.



The educational system and the types of schools vary from region to region as each area or town has its own Local Education Authority.

The Local Education Authority is responsible for financing the schools in its area. It employs teachers and other staff, provides and maintains buildings, supplies equipment and material.

Although each school decides its own curriculum, they must include certain compulsory subjects. These core subjects are Mathematics, English, Physical Education and Social Education.

Schooling is compulsory for children from 5 to 16. Primary education includes infant schools and junior schools. At five the child attends infant school. At seven he moves to junior school. In primary schools teachers encourage children to read, write and do basic mathematics.

At eleven the child attends secondary school. In secondary school pupils are taught according to their academic abilities. The most able will follow academic courses, while those of lesser abilities will follow practical courses as well as the main subjects.

At the age of 16 pupils take school-leaving examinations in several subjects. After these examinations the pupil can choose his way: to continue his study or to leave the school for colleges of further education.

There are forty-seven universities in Britain and thirty polytechnics, plus 350 colleges of higher education (some of them train teachers). At the end of the study at higher education establishments the students get the bachelor's degree in Art or Science.

The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge. They are famous for their academic excellence.

1 ответ
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1. The statement is correct.
2. The Local Education Authority employs workers and other staff, provides and maintains buildings, and supplies equipment and material. It does not provide and maintain sports grounds or supply food and drinks.
3. The core subjects are Mathematics, English, Physical Education, and Social Education. Physical Training, Music, and Art are not core subjects.
4. Schooling is compulsory for children from 5 to 16, not from 7 to 16.
5. The statement is correct.
6. At 11, the child attends secondary school, not at 14.
7. The most able children take more academic courses while those of lesser abilities follow practical courses as well as the main subjects. The statement is correct.
8. After final examinations at secondary schools, pupils can enter universities or colleges of further education, not just universities.
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12 февраля 2024 01:27
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