Лучшие помощники
28 февраля 2024 17:20

Put the adjectives into the comparative adjective or comparative adverb form.

1) He made me   (furious) than I've ever been in my life.

2) He treats her  (considerate) now than he used to.

3) You need to react  (assertive) when they treat you like that.

4) The weather's turned   (cold) recently.

5) Your hair looks much   (nice) like that.

6) You've upset her now. I think you could have told her   (tactful).

7) I think you were charged too much. Bill would have done the job   (cheap) for you.

8) I hope this exam is   (easy) than the one I did yesterday.

9) She took the news   (calm) than I thought she would.

10) She drives   (careful) than he does.

1 ответ
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1) He made me **more furious** than I've ever been in my life.
2) He treats her **more considerately** now than he used to.
3) You need to react **more assertively** when they treat you like that.
4) The weather's turned **colder** recently.
5) Your hair looks much **nicer** like that.
6) You've upset her now. I think you could have told her **more tactfully**.
7) I think you were charged too much. Bill would have done the job **cheaper** for you.
8) I hope this exam is **easier** than the one I did yesterday.
9) She took the news **more calmly** than I thought she would.
10) She drives **more carefully** than he does.
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28 февраля 2024 17:21
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