Лучшие помощники
14 марта 2024 12:57

Перепишите следующие предложения, используя сложное подлежащее.

1. The partners will appreciate their plan (expect).

2. The new approach is used in management quite often (know)

3. The cause of their conflict was unfair promotion (suppose)

4. He has much experience in conflict resolution (say)

5. He is responsible for collecting information for this report


6. We have counted the expenses and they are very high (estimate)

7. The newspapers say Shell took the blame for the disaster in the

Mexican Gulf (report)

8. Managers think empathy is a very efficient technique of conflict

prevention (believe)

9. The new law adopted on Friday is very strict to careless drivers


10. We think that the plan is feasible (presume)

11.He is developing a new advertising campaign now (think)

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