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- Megamozg 2205 б
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12 апреля 2024 07:35
Choose the correct variant.
1) This film is (more interesting / interesting) than the play (пьеса). 2) Their TV set is (the most modern / more modern) than our one.
3) The car is (the most modern / more modern) of all.
4) English is (the most important / more important) language in the world.
5) Our country cottage is (beautiful / more beautiful) than our friends' house.
6) Sochi is (small / smaller) than Brighton.
7) A bungalow is (cheaper / the cheapest) than a villa.
8) Villages are not as (crowded / bigger) as cities.
9) The city centre is (noisier / the noisiest) than the suburbs.
10) The mansion is (older / the oldest) building in the city.

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