Лучшие помощники

Complete with some/any/many/much/few/little

1. Is there _ water in the fridge?

2. How _ vegetables do you eat every day?

3. We need to buy _ cartons of milk.

4. This fish is disgusting! There is too salt in it!

5. I have got cheese. I can't make a sandwich.

6. There are

bananas left. They are not enough to make milkshake.

1 ответ
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1. Is there any water in the fridge?
2. How many vegetables do you eat every day?
3. We need to buy some cartons of milk.
4. This fish is disgusting! There is too much salt in it!
5. I have got little cheese. I can't make a sandwich.
6. There are few bananas left. They are not enough to make a milkshake.
Хороший ответ
10 мая 2024 19:30
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