Лучшие помощники

3. Complete with some/any/many/much/few/little

1. Is there _ water in the fridge?

2. How _ vegetables do you eat every day?

3. We need to buy _ cartons of milk.

4. This fish is disgusting! There is too salt in it!

5. I have got cheese. I can't make a sandwich.

6. There are

bananas left. They are not enough to make milkshake.


Choose the right word

3. I love to be alone with nature. I want to stay in the mountain shelter / detached house.

4. My bedroom has a beautiful skylight /freezerto enjoy the moonlight.

5.A priest / psychologist performs religious duties and ceremonies in the church.

6. He's fallen out with gone out with his girlfriend. They're not talking to each other anymore.

7. I don't earn enough money. I'm going to ask my boss for a pay rise / break.


1. Choose the Passive Voice form (Present, Past, Pr.Perfect).

1) The Mona Lisa (paint) by Leonardo da Vinci, a) is painted b) was painted c) has been painted

2) The new mobile phone (buy) next year. a) will be bought b) is bought c) was bought

3) Dinner (cook) by our mum every day. a) was cooked b) will be cooked c) is cooked

4) The letters (post) just by Sue, a) have just been posted b) is posted c) were posted

2.Choose the right grammar form

1) I _ that Tom can keep secrets now.

a) believe b) am believing c) believed

2) We _ dinner in the Gordon Ramsay Restaurant tomorrow at 8.

a) have b) are having c) are going to have

3) Volunteers _ the river this summer.

a) is cleaning up b) clean up c) are going to clean up

4) Ben _ basketball matches with his friends last Saturday.

a) watches b) watched c) has watched

5) I _ the road on a green light when the car _ me.

a) crossed / hit b) was crossing / hit c) crossed /was hitting

6) The man … _ fixed my roof is very skilled.

a) which b) who c) whose

7) Do you believe that people _ on Mars in the future?

a) is living b) are going to live c) will

8) If the weather _ (be) bad tomorrow, I _ to the country.

a) will be / won't go b) is going to be /go c) is /won't go

9) She _ college yet, but she _ married last week.

a) hasn't finished/has got b) hasn't finished/got c) didn't finished/got

1 ответ
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3. Complete with some/any/many/much/few/little
1. Is there any water in the fridge?
2. How many vegetables do you eat every day?
3. We need to buy some cartons of milk.
4. This fish is disgusting! There is too much salt in it!
5. I have got little cheese. I can't make a sandwich.
6. There are few bananas left. They are not enough to make a milkshake.

4. Choose the right word
3. I love to be alone with nature. I want to stay in the mountain shelter.
4. My bedroom has a beautiful skylight to enjoy the moonlight.
5. A priest performs religious duties and ceremonies in the church.
6. He's fallen out with his girlfriend. They're not talking to each other anymore.
7. I don't earn enough money. I'm going to ask my boss for a pay rise.

1. Choose the Passive Voice form (Present, Past, Pr.Perfect).
1) The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
2) The new mobile phone will be bought next year.
3) Dinner is cooked by our mum every day.
4) The letters have just been posted by Sue.

2. Choose the right grammar form
1) I believe that Tom can keep secrets now.
2) We are having dinner in the Gordon Ramsay Restaurant tomorrow at 8.
3) Volunteers are going to clean up the river this summer.
4) Ben watched basketball matches with his friends last Saturday.
5) I crossed the road on a green light when the car hit me.
6) The man who fixed my roof is very skilled.
7) Do you believe that people will live on Mars in the future?
8) If the weather is bad tomorrow, I won't go to the country.
9) She hasn't finished college yet, but she got married last week.
Хороший ответ
13 мая 2024 19:00
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