Лучшие помощники
22 мая 2024 09:24

I. Прочитайте утверждения 1 - 6 и следующие за ними тексты. Установите соответствие между утверждениями и содержанием текстов. Напишите цифру 1 ~ если утверждение верное, и цифру 0 - если утверждение неверное. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу 1.

1 Birmingham grew because it was easy to get coal and iron there.

2 The Birmingham Carnival lasts for a month.

3 People from lots of different cultures live in Birmingham.

4 Every year, actors perform at Aston Hall.

Birmingham is England's second city. It has always had a good supply of water and the easy access to coal and iron meant that it became an important industrial centre. Today, heavy industry is less important to Birmingham. Other parts of the local economy, such as shopping and tourism, now provide jobs and an income for many people.

One of the highlights of the year is the Birmingham Carnival. This takes place one day in August and includes music, dancing, food and arts and crafts. It is a great opportunity to find out about the many different cultures that make up modern-day Birmingham. The city has Chinese, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh communities, all with their own cultural traditions.

A great place to visit in the local area is Aston Hall. Completed in 1635, the hall contains examples of furniture and paintings from different historical periods. Every two years, you can attend 'Aston Hall by Candlelight', when the house is lit by candles and actors recreate a 17th-century Christmas.

5 Ships from Glasgow took rum and tobacco to America.

6 Glasgow recently became well known for its sport.

Glasgow is a modern, multicultural city in Scotland with a long history. Starting as a fishing village., by the end of the 18th century it had become a centre for shipbuilding. Being on the west of Scotland meant that it was in an excellent position for sending ships full of cloth and iron to America and the West Indies. These ships brought back sugar, rum and tobacco and Glasgow grew. Many local merchants became rich through trade.

Glasgow has long been famous for its sport. The two biggest teams in Scottish football, Celtic and Rangers, are both based in Glasgow and it was the European Capital of Sport in 2003. There are three world-class football stadiums in Glasgow and the Glaswegians (as people from Glasgow are called) are very proud of their sporting history.

(6 marks)

II. Подставьте данные слова в пропуски. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу 1.

Advancement, majority, pleasure, decision, particularly, choice, knowledge, temporarily, possibility, communication

Why do people learn languages?

People have many different reasons for learning languages. For the (7) ... of students, language plays a key role in the curriculum and they have no (8) ... in the matter. For others, the (9) ... of a second language offers the (10) ...of (11)... in their professional lives. English is (12)... important in such cases as it is the international means of (13) ... . For some people the (14)... to move abroad (either (15) ... or permanently) means they need to learn the target language. Then, there are always those who decide to learn a language simply for (16) ... .

(10 marks)

III. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу 1.

1. A: 17) How many/much chairs are there to sit down?

B: There are 18) a little/a few chairs here.

2. A: 19) How many/much sugar does the recipe say?

B: Not 20) many/much, just half a cup.

3. A: Have you got 21) a little/a few salt.

B: I’m sorry I just have 22) a little/a few.

6 marks

IV. Выберите предложение, которое построено грамматически правильно (a или b). Занесите свои ответы в таблицу 1.

23. a. There some nice bars near my house. 26. a. Is there bank near here?

b. There are some nice bars near my house. b. Is there a bank near here?

24. a. How often do you eat fish? 27. a. Does she like dogs?

b. How often you eat fish? b. Does she likes dogs?

25. a. I always have breakfast in bed. 28. a. He no usually drinks beer.

b. I always has breakfast in bed. b. He doesn’t usually drink beer.

(6 marks)

V. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу 1.

a) Do you like cheese? 29. No, I hate them.

b) Does she like chocolate? 30. Yes, I love it.

c) Does Manuel like dogs? 31. Yes, she loves it.

d) Do they like Thai food? 32. Yes, he loves it.

e) Do you like chips? 33. Yes, they love it.

f) Does he like beer? 34. No, he hates them.

(6 marks)

VI. Подставьте вопросительные слова What, Where, Who, Why, When

Занесите свои ответы в таблицу 1.

35) _______do you live?

36) _______languages do you speak?

37) _______ do you work?

38) _______food do you like?

39) _______is your favourite singer?

40) _______sports do you like?

(6 marks)

VII. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу 1.

41. There are some pictures on the wall but there aren't ......... posters.

A any В some С much

42. We have ......... visited the castle.

A yet В ever С already

43. Would you like milk?

А а В some С any

44. Jenny to New Delhi at 9 pm.

A is flying В flies С have flown

45. That was the ......... film I've ever seen.

A best В good С better

46. will be foggy in London on Saturday.

A There В It С They

47. А: ......... Pam ?

В: She's my niece.

A Who's В Where's С Whose is

48. Diana usually jeans and T-shirts.

A is wearing В wears С wear

49. Has Susan bought the tickets ?

A yet В just С ever

50. Peter got blue eyes.

A have В hasn't С haven't

51. Janet lives a small flat.

A on В in С at

52. Are those Carol's books?

B: No, they aren't

A she В her С hers

53. Where does your uncle ?

A living В live С lives

54. The exam wasn't very .

A easily В easy С easier

55. he like listening to rock music?

A Does В Do С Don't

56. A: Has Greg booked a table?

В: Yes, he's ......... booked a table at Melt's.

A yet В just С never

57. Robert went to the dentist ......... he had toothache.

A because В but С and

58. A: Where's your sister?

B: She's work.

A at В in С on

59. Is the Nile as as the Amazon?

A longest В long С longer

60. A: Is she mother?

B:.No, she isn't.

A him В his С he

1 ответ
Посмотреть ответы
1. 1
2. 0
3. 1
4. 1
5. 0
6. 1

7. majority
8. choice
9. advancement
10. possibility
11. knowledge
12. particularly
13. communication
14. possibility
15. temporarily
16. pleasure

17. How many, a few
18. a little
19. How much
20. much
21. a little
22. a little

23. b. There are some nice bars near my house.
24. a. How often do you eat fish?
25. a. I always have breakfast in bed.
26. b. Is there a bank near here?
27. b. Does she like dogs?
28. b. He doesn’t usually drink beer.

29. Yes, I love it.
30. Yes, he loves it.
31. No, he hates them.
32. Yes, they love it.
33. Yes, he loves it.
34. No, I hate them.

35. Where
36. How many
37. Where
38. What
39. Who
40. What

41. B some
42. С already
43. В some
44. A is flying
45. A best
46. В It
47. A Who's
48. В wears
49. В just
50. В hasn't
51. В in
52. С hers
53. В live
54. В easy
55. Does
56. В just
57. A because
58. В at
59. С longer
60. С his
Хороший ответ
22 мая 2024 09:27
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