Лучшие помощники
24 мая 2024 09:55

Study the dictionary entry below and try to define "culture" in the 

business context: 

cul-tural adj [usually before noun] 1

connected with the culture of a 

particular society or group, its 

customs, beliefs, etc: cultural dif-

ferences between the two com-

munities ◊ economic, social and 

cultural factors 2 connected with 

art, literature, music, etc: a cultur-

al event ◊ Europe's cultural herit-

age ◊ The orchestra is very impor-

tant for the cultural life of the city. 

cul-tur-al-ly /-rəli/ adv


art, music, literature, etc., thought 

of as a group: Venice is a beautiful 

city full of culture and history. ◊

popular culture (= that is enjoyed 

by a lot of people) ◊ the Minister 

for Culture 


the beliefs and attitudes about sth 

that people in a particular group or 

organisation share: The political 

cultures of the United States and 

the United Kingdom are very dif-

ferent. ◊ A culture of failure exists 

in some schools. ◊ company culture

◊ We are living in a consumer cul-



(technical) the growing of plants or 

breeding of particular animals in 

order to get a particular substance 

or crop from them: the culture of 

silkworms (= for silk) 

CELLS/BACTERIA 6 [C] (biolo-

gy, medical) a group of cells or 


cul-ture n, v

• n

WAY OF LIFE 1 [U] the customs 

and beliefs, art, way of life and so-

cial organisation of a particular 

country or group: European 

/Islamic /American culture ◊ work-

ing-class culture 2 [C] a country, 

group, etc. with its own beliefs, etc: 

The children are taught to respect 

different cultures. ◊ the effect of 

technology on traditional cultures

especially one taken from a person or 

an animal and grown for medical or 

scientific study; the process of ob-

taining and growing these cells: a 

culture of cells from the tumour ◊

Yogurt is made from active cultures.

◊ to do/take a throat culture

• v 

[VN] (biology, medical) to grow a 

group of cells or bacteria for medical 

or scientific study 

cul-tured adj 1 (of people) well edu-

cated and able to understand and 

enjoy art, literature, etc. 2 (of cell 

or bacteria) grown for medical or 

scientific study 3 (of pearls) grown 


culture shock n [C,U] a feeling of 

confusion and anxiety that sb may 

feel when they live in or visit 

another country

1 ответ
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In a business context, "culture" refers to the beliefs, attitudes, customs, and social organization shared by the members of a particular organization or group. It encompasses the way of life, values, and behaviors that shape the working environment and interactions within the company. This includes aspects such as the company's mission, vision, and values, as well as its traditions, communication styles, and overall working atmosphere. A strong company culture can have a significant impact on employee engagement, productivity, and overall success.
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24 мая 2024 09:57
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