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Study the dictionary entry below and try to define "culture" in the
business context:
cul-tural adj [usually before noun] 1
connected with the culture of a
particular society or group, its
customs, beliefs, etc: cultural dif-
ferences between the two com-
munities ◊ economic, social and
cultural factors 2 connected with
art, literature, music, etc: a cultur-
al event ◊ Europe's cultural herit-
age ◊ The orchestra is very impor-
tant for the cultural life of the city.
cul-tur-al-ly /-rəli/ adv
art, music, literature, etc., thought
of as a group: Venice is a beautiful
city full of culture and history. ◊
popular culture (= that is enjoyed
by a lot of people) ◊ the Minister
for Culture
the beliefs and attitudes about sth
that people in a particular group or
organisation share: The political
cultures of the United States and
the United Kingdom are very dif-
ferent. ◊ A culture of failure exists
in some schools. ◊ company culture
◊ We are living in a consumer cul-
(technical) the growing of plants or
breeding of particular animals in
order to get a particular substance
or crop from them: the culture of
silkworms (= for silk)
CELLS/BACTERIA 6 [C] (biolo-
gy, medical) a group of cells or
cul-ture n, v
• n
WAY OF LIFE 1 [U] the customs
and beliefs, art, way of life and so-
cial organisation of a particular
country or group: European
/Islamic /American culture ◊ work-
ing-class culture 2 [C] a country,
group, etc. with its own beliefs, etc:
The children are taught to respect
different cultures. ◊ the effect of
technology on traditional cultures
especially one taken from a person or
an animal and grown for medical or
scientific study; the process of ob-
taining and growing these cells: a
culture of cells from the tumour ◊
Yogurt is made from active cultures.
◊ to do/take a throat culture
• v
[VN] (biology, medical) to grow a
group of cells or bacteria for medical
or scientific study
cul-tured adj 1 (of people) well edu-
cated and able to understand and
enjoy art, literature, etc. 2 (of cell
or bacteria) grown for medical or
scientific study 3 (of pearls) grown
culture shock n [C,U] a feeling of
confusion and anxiety that sb may
feel when they live in or visit
another country