Лучшие помощники

Change the following sentences into the passive form. 

1. The Japanese buy buildings and pieces of choice land. 

2. We use this room on special occasions only. 

3. Someone had told the security police to report for duty at 5 am.

4. Does this idea interest you at all? 

5. They used to send their messages by fax. 

6. The manufacturer is handing out samples to all the potential Japanese cus-


7. Someone has already told the manager that the company has a bad image. 

8. They are dispatching the order F.O.B. this afternoon. 

9. He is going to teach them how to clinch a deal in Japan. 

10. Actually, Americans are doing a lot of the work in this Japanese company.

Rewrite the following sentences in an alternative passive form. 

1. It is believed that the Japanese are thinking of pulling out of the business. 

2. It is expected that the management will increase our salaries next month. 

3. It is reported that another Japanese company is planning to set up business 

in the area before the end of the year. 

4. It is considered that dumping is counter productive. 

5. It is now thought that an economic recession is inevitable. 

6. It is presumed that the assembly line was inspected by the experts after the 


1 ответ
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1. Buildings and pieces of choice land are bought by the Japanese.
2. This room is used on special occasions only.
3. The security police were told to report for duty at 5 am.
4. Is this idea at all interesting to you?
5. Their messages used to be sent by fax.
6. Samples are being handed out to all the potential Japanese customers by the manufacturer.
7. The manager has already been informed that the company has a bad image.
8. The order is being dispatched F.O.B. this afternoon.
9. They are going to be taught how to clinch a deal in Japan by him.
10. Actually, a lot of the work in this Japanese company is being done by Americans.

Alternative passive forms:
1. The Japanese are believed to be thinking of pulling out of the business.
2. It is expected that our salaries will be increased by the management next month.
3. Another Japanese company is reported to be planning to set up business in the area before the end of the year.
4. Dumping is considered to be counterproductive.
5. An economic recession is now thought to be inevitable.
6. The assembly line is presumed to have been inspected by the experts after the accident.
Хороший ответ
27 мая 2024 09:36
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