Лучшие помощники
28 мая 2024 16:37

Match the pairs of sentences which are closest in meaning.

  1. You have to leave. - 7
  2. You don't have to leave.

[Choose the answer]

3) You mustn't leave.

[Choose the answer] *

4) You mustn't take the money.

[Choose the answer] *

5) You don't have to take the job.

[Choose the answer] *

  1. You mustn't take the job.
  2. You must go. - 1
  3. Must you go?
  4. Choose the answer]
  5. You don't have to take the money.

[Choose the answer] *

[Choose the answer] *

10) You can stay if you like.

[Choose the answer] *

11) Don't take the money.

[Choose the answer] *

12) You have to stay.

[Choose the answer] *

13) Do you have to go?

[Choose the answer] ?

14) You definitely shouldn't take the job.

[Choose the answer] *

15) You can decide whether to take the job or not.

[Choose the answer] *

16) You can take the money or leave it, as you like.❤️

1 ответ
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3) You mustn't leave. - 11) Don't take the money.
4) You mustn't take the money. - 11) Don't take the money.
5) You don't have to take the job. - 15) You can decide whether to take the job or not.
10) You can stay if you like. - 16) You can take the money or leave it, as you like.
Хороший ответ
28 мая 2024 16:39
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