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please translate ONLY THE BRACKETS in English if you're bot fluent Russian and English

Translate the verbs in brackets.1. If I had known that you were in hospital (я бы навестил тебя). 2. If (я бы знал) that youwere coming I'd have baked a cake. 3. If (ты бы пpишел) ten minutes earlier you wouldhave got a seat. 4. You would have seen my garden at its best if (ты был бы здесь) lastweek. 5. I wouldn't have believed it if (я бы не видел) it with my own eyes. 6. (Я быlпредложил) to help him if I had realized that he was ill. 7. If (Я бы Понял) what a baddriver you were I wouldn't have come with you. 8. If I had realized that the traffic lightswere red (я бы остановился). 9. (Куры не вошли бы/get) into the house if you had shutthe door. 10. If he had known that the river was dangerous (Oн бы не пытался) to swimacross it. 11. If (Вы бы говорили) more slowly he might have understood you. 12. If hehad known the whole story (он бы не разозлился). 13. If (я бы попытался) again I thinkthat I would have succeeded. 14. (Вы бы не попали/get) into trouble if you had obeyedmy instructions. 15. If (я была бы готова) when he called he would have taken me withhim. 16. If she had listened to my directions (oна бы не повернула) down the wrongstreet. 17. (Я бы взял такси) if I had realized that it was such a long way. 18. If (Tы бы нечижнула/snееzе) he wouldn't have known that we were there.II1. If (яЯ встретил тебя) you yesterday, of course (я бы предулредил) уou. 2. I'm sorry Ithrew the newspaper away. (Я бы не выбросил ее) if (я бы знал) you had wanted it.3. Why didn't you ask me to help you? Of course (я бы помог тебe) if (ты бы попpосилменя) tо. 4. I'm sorry I couldn't come to the cinema with you last Friday. (Я бы пoшел) if (ябы не был) so busy. 5. (Я бы не ушел из) the office early yesterday if (я бы не закончил)my work.it's Russian, so please if you're Russian, translate

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1. If I had known that you were in hospital (I would have visited you).
2. If (I had known) that you were coming I'd have baked a cake.
3. If (you had come) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.
4. You would have seen my garden at its best if (you had been here) last week.
5. I wouldn't have believed it if (I hadn't seen) it with my own eyes.
6. (I would have offered) to help him if I had realized that he was ill.
7. If (I had understood) what a bad driver you were I wouldn't have come with you.
8. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red (I would have stopped).
9. (The chickens wouldn't have entered) into the house if you had shut the door.
10. If he had known that the river was dangerous (he wouldn't have tried) to swim across it.
11. If (you had spoken) more slowly he might have understood you.
12. If he had known the whole story (he wouldn't have gotten angry).
13. If (I had tried) again I think that I would have succeeded.
14. (You wouldn't have gotten) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions.
15. If (I had been ready) when he called he would have taken me with him.
16. If she had listened to my directions (she wouldn't have turned) down the wrong street.
17. (I would have taken a taxi) if I had realized that it was such a long way.
18. If (you hadn't sneezed) he wouldn't have known that we were there.

II1. If (I had met you) yesterday, of course (I would have greeted) you.
2. I'm sorry I threw the newspaper away. (I wouldn't have thrown it away) if (I had known) you had wanted it.
3. Why didn't you ask me to help you? Of course (I would have helped you) if (you had asked me) to.
4. I'm sorry I couldn't come to the cinema with you last Friday. (I would have gone) if (I hadn't been) so busy.
5. (I wouldn't have left) the office early yesterday if (I hadn't finished) my work.
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29 мая 2024 15:03
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