Лучшие помощники
6 октября 2024 09:25

Exercise 1. Find nouns in the plural form.

Positions, news, box, seas, problems, clothes, level, bus, countries, women, phenomenon, money, crises, people, glass, class.

Exercise 2. Give the singular form.

Women, feet, children, analyses, data, news, glasses, leaves, knives, sheep, shorts, plays.

Exercise 3. Give the plural forms of the following nouns.

Bed, classroom, day, factory, teacher, map, student, picture, desk, president, match, text, page, tooth, advice, hero, man, mouse, lawyer.

1 ответ
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Exercise 1:
- Positions
- Seas
- Problems
- Clothes
- Countries
- Women
- Phenomenon
- Crises
- People
- Glasses

Exercise 2:
- Woman
- Foot
- Child
- Analysis
- Datum
- News
- Glass
- Leaf
- Knife
- Sheep
- Short
- Play

Exercise 3:
- Beds
- Classrooms
- Days
- Factories
- Teachers
- Maps
- Students
- Pictures
- Desks
- Presidents
- Matches
- Texts
- Pages
- Teeth
- Advice
- Heroes
- Men
- Mice
- Lawyers
Хороший ответ
6 октября 2024 09:27
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