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20 октября 2024 17:04

A brief retelling of the text in 15 sentences.

I will be very grateful.


The baby party started at half past four, but Edith Andros arrived at five. She wanted her

daughter to look nice and clean while the other children’s dresses were dirty. The party was

going full-swing. Four baby girls and nine baby boys were dancing to a record.

As Edith and her daughter entered, the music was for a moment drowned out, as all the

mothers looked at little Ede and cried out together, 'Cute!' Ede was then passed along a row of

mamas, and finally, after a few gentle pushes, she began to dance, and became an active

member of the party.Edith stood by the door talking to Mrs Markey and keeping an eye on the tiny figure in

the pink dress. She did not like Mrs Markey; she considered her both rude and common.

However, John was friendly with Joe Markey, and the two women were both careful to be

friendly towards each other too.

'Little Ede looks wonderful — absolutely darling,' said

Mrs Markey. 'So grown-up!'

Edith noticed that Billy Markey, though several month

younger than 'little Ede', weighed almost five pounds more.

Smiling, she accepted a cup of tea, and sat down among the

mothers to begin the real business of the afternoon — telling

everyone the latest incredible achievements of her child.

An hour passed. The babies grew bored with dancing,

and began the more interesting game of running through the dining room and trying to open

the kitchen door. Mothers rushed to save their darlings, carrying them back to the party. But

the babies immediately ran back through the dining room to try the door again. They tried to

persuade the babies to sit on laps, but it was of little use. 'Down!' the babies ordered, and the

race to the kitchen door began again.

This amusement was ended by the arrival of a large cake with pink sugar-icing and two

candles, and dishes of ice cream. Billy Markey, a fat, laughing baby with red hair, blew out

the candles. Cake and ice-cream was given to each baby, and was eaten greedily but without

any trouble. The babies had behaved amazingly well all afternoon. They were modern babies

who were given their meals and put to bed at the same time every day, so they were goodnatured with healthy, pink cheeks.

After the food had been eaten, babies and mothers began to leave. Edith was anxious for

John to arrive and see Ede with the other children — to see how polite and intelligent she was.

'You're a darling,' she whispered to her child, hugging her suddenly. 'Do you know you're

a darling? Do you?' Ede laughed. 'Doggy,' she said.

'Doggy?' Edith looked around. 'There isn't a dog here. No doggy, darling.'

'Doggy,' repeated Ede. 'I want a doggy.' Edith's eyes followed the small pointing finger.

'That isn't a doggy, darling, that's a teddy-bear.' 'Bear?'

'Yes, that's a teddy-bear, and it belongs to Billy Markey. You don't want Billy Markey's

teddy-bear, do you?' Ede did want it. She pulled away from her mother and approached Billy

Markey, who held the toy tightly in his arms. Ede stopped, and stood looking at him. Billy


Grown-up Edith looked at her watch. There were only two babies left now. It was selfish

of John not to come. It looked as if he wasn't proud of Ede. Other fathers had come to collect

their wives, and they'd stayed for a while and watched.

There was a sudden cry. Ede had taken hold of Billy's teddy-bear. She had pulled it out

of his arms, and when Billy tried to get it back, she had pushed him over on to the floor.

'Ede!' cried her mother, trying not to laugh.

Joe Markey, a handsome man of thirty-five, picked up his son and placed him on his feet again. 'Well, young man!' he said cheerfully. 'Fancy letting a girl push you over!' 

But soon Billy forgot the bump, and was again trying to get back his bear. He seized one 

of its legs and pulled at it but with no success. 

'No,' said Ede firmly. Then, encouraged by the success of what she had done before, Ede 

suddenly dropped the teddy-bear, placed her hands on Billy's shoulders and pushed him 


Billy fell down on the floor, bumped his head and started crying. Mrs Markey got very 

angry and quarrelled with Ede’s mother. 

Such was the end of the baby party.

1 ответ
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The baby party started at half past four, with Edith Andros arriving late at five. She wanted her daughter, Ede, to stand out among the other children. At the party, four baby girls and nine baby boys were dancing to music. When Ede entered, all the mothers admired her, calling her cute. Ede was passed around and eventually joined in the dancing. Edith conversed with Mrs. Markey, though she didn't particularly like her. The babies grew bored of dancing and started running around the house. The chaos was briefly halted by the arrival of a cake and ice cream. After the treats, the babies and mothers began to depart. Edith anxiously awaited John's arrival to see Ede's behavior. Ede expressed a desire for a teddy bear belonging to Billy Markey. When Ede took the bear from Billy, a small scuffle ensued, leading to Billy crying and Mrs. Markey getting angry. The party ended in a quarrel between the mothers. Overall, it was an eventful and slightly chaotic afternoon for the babies and their mothers.
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20 октября 2024 17:06
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