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10 января 2025 13:33

Janet:this party is great!Steve:yes, it is.Janet:Hey,look at that boy over there.Who is he?Steve:the one with the fair hair?Janet:Yes.What\'s his name?Steve:Johnny. He\'s Bill\'s brother.Janet:Ye\'s got lovely blue eyes!How old is he?Steve:He\'s tall and thin.Janet:What\'s he like?Steve; He\'s very funny. Come and meet him. Помогите прочесть текс. Чтоб текст можно было прочесть по английски русским языком

1 ответ
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Janet: This party is great!
Steve: Yes, it is.
Janet: Hey, look at that boy over there. Who is he?
Steve: The one with the fair hair?
Janet: Yes. What's his name?
Steve: Johnny. He's Bill's brother.
Janet: He's got lovely blue eyes! How old is he?
Steve: He's tall and thin.
Janet: What's he like?
Steve: He's very funny. Come and meet him.
Хороший ответ
10 января 2025 13:36
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