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Anthony and Gloria decided to marry in June. Gloria's mother was surprised, but pleased. During the following days, Anthony and Gloria kissed, quarrelled, made up, quarrelled and kissed again.
'Oh, Gloria, I love you,' Anthony whispered. But they quarrelled all the time. Then Anthony would say, 'Now Gloria - please let me explain ... '
'Don't explain. Kiss me'
'I don't think that's right, Gloria,' Anthony said. 'If we quarrel, we ought to talk about it. I don't like this "kiss and forget'".
'But I don't want to quarrel,' Gloria replied. 'And I think it's wonderful that we can "kiss and forget". Oh, Anthony, when I'm mean to you, I'm sorry afterwards. I don't want to hurt you.'
Then Gloria was in Anthony's arms, crying like a little girl.
Before the engagement was announced, Anthony went to see his grandfather.
'Oh, you are going to get married, are you?' old Adam Patch said. 'Are you working?'
'Oh, yes,' Anthony began. 'My book is ... .'
'I mean real work,' Adam Patch said impatiently. 'How much do you save in a year?' 'Nothing so far ... .'
'So you spend every penny on yourself. And now you've decided that you've enough money for two!' Anthony became angry.
'Gloria has some money of her own,' he said. 'She has enough to buy her clothes. We'll have enough money. We're getting married in June.'
'Like to have the wedding here?'
Anthony was surprised. He did not want to agree, but he wanted to please his grandfather. He was going to get to the old man's money in the end, but it was better to keep the old man happy.
'I'll speak to Gloria about it,' Anthony said. 'I'll see what her family wants. But it's very kind of you, sir.'
'I'm an old man,' Adam Patch went on. 'I think a lot about the past. And the future. You should think about the future, too. You ought to get a job - work harder.' The old man's eyes went hard.
'When I was your age, I'd already mined three men. Off you go, young man, or you'll miss your train'.
Gloria was very busy. Wedding presents arrived every day. Gloria was pleased with each one. Every time present arrived, she tore off the paper quickly. Then she held up the present, and said, 'Look, Anthony!'
And Anthony answered, 'Yes, pretty, isn't it?'
There were five days to the wedding. Four days. A special train was going to take the guests from New York to Adam Patch's house. Three days. Two days... .
It was the night before the wedding. Gloria was ready to go to bed. She opened a drawer by the bed and took out a little black book. It was a diary. She had been writing a diary for seven years. It began with the words, 'I'm going to keep a diary for children... .' Many of the entries were written in pencil and were difficult to read ... dances, kisses, the boys and men who had taken her out ... Michael, Marty, Larry - all forgotten names now.
Anthony's name first appeared in April. Then, on 24th April, Gloria had written: I want to marry Anthony. What a wonderful marriage it will be! And then, on 7th June, she had written: Was I going to make Bloeckman love me? It's true I made him love me. He was very sad tonight. But he doesn 't matter now. It's only Anthony and me. Me and Anthony!”
The diary ended here. After a moment, Gloria took a pencil and drew three lines under the last words. Then she wrote THE END in large capital letters. She put the book back in the drawer and went to bed.
2. Мать Глории была удивлена, но ей понравилась эта новость.
3. В дни перед свадьбой они часто целовались и ссорились.
4. После ссор они мирились, а затем опять начинали ругаться.
5. Энтони тихо шептал Глории, что любит её.
6. Он предлагал после ссор поговорить о проблемах, но Глория хотела просто забыть о них, целуясь.
7. Глория объясняла, что ей не нравится причинять боль Энтони, и что она всегда просит прощения после ссор.
8. Перед объявлением помолвки Энтони навестил своего дедушку Адама Пэтча.
9. Дедушка спросил Энтони, как у него с работой и сбережениями.
10. Он упрекнул Энтони, что тот тратит все деньги на себя.
11. Энтони сказал, что у Глории тоже есть свои деньги, и им хватит средств на двоих.
12. Дедушка предложил провести свадьбу у себя дома, что удивило Энтони.
13. Хотя Энтони не хотел этого, он решил обсудить предложение с семьёй Глории, чтобы угодить дедушке.
14. Каждый день Глория получала подарки к свадьбе и радовалась каждому из них.
15. Ночью перед свадьбой Глория достала свой дневник, в котором она закончила запись о своей любви к Энтони, и положила его обратно в комод.