Лучшие помощники
10 декабря 2022 18:18

1) When Jane was a child, she…………..a lot of books about sea
a) was having b) would have c) used
to have
2) Can you be a little more careful,
please? You ……………..coffee on my
a) spill b) will be spilling c) are going
to spill
3) There have been many
reported……………..of Bigfoot all over
the world.
a) sights b) sightings c) illusions
4) Mark, …………...cousin works on the
ISS, wants to become an astronaut
too someday.
a) who b) whose c) which
5) Experts say machines that will do
most chores around the house will
soon ………….part of our everyday
a) become b) overcome c) exist
6) In the film, a horrifying sea
monster creates a ……………. whirpool
and pools three large ships to the
bottom of the sea.
a) sharp b) rustling c) violent
7) Henry believes that scientists will
someday build robots that will be
…………...to think on their own.
a) too clever b) enough clever c)
clever enough
8)Ever since I changed my …………...to
broadband, I can get on the Net much
fastera) subscription b) connection c)
9) Maria …………….handicrafts for
three years before she decided to
open up her own pottery shop.
a) was making b) had been making c
) had made
10) The atmosphere at the carnival
was fantastic; people were
throwing……….and dancing in the
streets all night.
a) crackers b) streamers
11)Emma is on holiday, so I
………...after her cat until she returns.
a) ‘m looking b) look c) ‘ve looked
12)………….creatures such as giants,
dragons and sea monsters often
appear in Northern European
a) optical b) mythical c) extinct
13) You’d better save your
documents…………...the computer
a) in order that b) in case c) so that
14) Tom finally managed………..his
computer when he had understood
the cause of the problem.
a) to fix b) fixing c) to fixing
15) We can’t log on to the Internet
because there is a problem with our
a) server b)line c) drive
16) David ………...of dressing up as a
pirate for the Halloween party on
a) thinks b)is going to think c) is
17) I’ll help you with your
homeworkas soon as I ………….the
a) will get off b) get off c) am
getting off
18) Could you take a look at Anne’s
computer? She ………...to fix it all
morning and it still doesn’t work.
a) tries b) has tried c) has been
19) It ……………….have been John
who answered the phone last night;
I know the was no one else home.
a) must b) can c) may
20) Cake sales are a great way to
……………...money for charities, as
they are inexpensive and easy to
a) win b) raise c) attract
21) Susan ……………..skydiving
before, and she was very excited
abot her first dive.
a) had never tried b) has never
c) had never been trying
22) One of the most exciting events
in Berlins Carnival of Cultures is its
colourful, four -day street ……………
a) contest b) march c) parade
23)This time next month , the
astrounats………………….the Earth.
a) will be orbiting b) orbiting
c) will have orbited.
24) After doing her chores, Mary
went on……………...some phone
a) make b) making c) to make
25) Peter and Bob enjoy playing
football at their local ……………..every
a) porch b) pitch c) place
26) You can’t make George
…………...his secret if he doesn’t
want to.
a) tell b) to tell c) telling
27) Jane isn’t very …………………; she
avoids meeting new people or being
in public places.
28) The robot exhibition was
…………….interesting that we’re
planning to visit it again next week.
29) Scientists at NASA spent over
ten years designing a special pen
which can write in
a) spacious b) zero c) vacuum
30) Has Tim …………...living on his
own yet?
a) used to b)been used to c)got
used to

1 ответ
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1) When Jane was a child, she ……a lot of books about sea monsters. c) used to have
2) Can you be a little more careful, please? You ……………..coffee on my
keyboard. c) are going to spill
3) There have been many reported…of Bigfoot all over the world. b) sightings 4) Mark, …………...cousin works on the ISS, wants to become an astronaut
too someday. b) whose
5) Experts say machines that will do most chores around the house will
soon ………….part of our everyday reality. a) become
6) In the film, a horrifying sea monster creates a ……………. whirpool
and pools three large ships to the bottom of the sea. c) violent
7) Henry believes that scientists will someday build robots that will be
…………...to think on their own. c) clever enough
8) Ever since I changed my …………...to broadband, I can get on the Net much faster. b) connection
9) Maria …………….handicrafts for three years before she decided to
open up her own pottery shop. b) had been making
10) The atmosphere at the carnival was fantastic; people were
throwing……….and dancing in the streets all night. a) crackers
11) Emma is on holiday, so I …… after her cat until she returns. a) ‘m looking
12) …….creatures such as giants, dragons and sea monsters often
appear in Northern European folklore. b) mythical
13) You’d better save your documents…………...the computer crashes. b) in case
14) Tom finally managed………..his computer when he had understood
the cause of the problem. a) to fix
15) We can’t log on to the Internet because there is a problem with our
phone…… b) line
16) David ………...of dressing up as a pirate for the Halloween party on
Saturday. c) is thinking
17) I’ll help you with your homework as soon as I ………….the phone. b) get off
18) Could you take a look at Anne’s computer? She ………...to fix it all
morning and it still doesn’t work. c) has been trying
19) It ……………….have been John who answered the phone last night;
I know there was no one else home. a) must
20) Cake sales are a great way to ……… money for charities, as
they are inexpensive and easy to organise. b) raise
21) Susan ……………..skydiving before, and she was very excited about her first dive. a) had never tried
22) One of the most exciting events in Berlins Carnival of Cultures is its
colourful, four-day street … c) parade
23) This time next month, the astrounats………………….the Earth. a) will be orbiting
24) After doing her chores, Mary went on……some phone calls. c) to make
25) Peter and Bob enjoy playing football at their local ……every Saturday. b) pitch
26) You can’t make George …… his secret if he doesn’t want to. a) tell
27) Jane isn’t very sociable; she avoids meeting new people or being
in public places.
28) The robot exhibition was so interesting that we’re planning to visit it again next week.
29) Scientists at NASA spent over ten years designing a special pen which can write in ……… gravity. b) zero
30) Has Tim …………...living on his own yet? a) used to

Хороший ответ
12 декабря 2022 18:18
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