Лучшие помощники
10 декабря 2022 21:33

(put the verbs in the past continuous)1)Bob ............ (play) football in the park at 10 am this morning.
2)Mark ............ (Sent) e-mails until 11 pm last nights.
3)Tom ............... (Recover) in hospital for two weeks after his fall.
4)Jane ............. (Read) the newspaper when the phone rang.
5)Tom ............... (Watch) TV when Jane arnived.
Прошу помогите,даю 35 баллов!

2 ответа
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  1. Bob was playing football in the park at 10 am this morning.
  2. Mark was sending e-mails until 11 pm last night.
  3. Tom was recovering in hospital for two weeks after his fall.
  4. Jane was reading the newspaper when the phone rang.
  5. Tom was watching TV when Jane arrived.

Хороший ответ
12 декабря 2022 21:33

1. was playing
2. was sending
3. was recovering
4. was reading
5. was watching

12 декабря 2022 21:33
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