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15 декабря 2022 01:49
Сделать кроссворд на английском языке на тему покупок
По горизонтали:
1. What you have to do before you take your purchases out of the shop.
3. The desk where one pays, before leaving a shop.
7. A tax on things you buy (initials).
8. Container for putting your shopping in.
По вертикали:
2. What people usually pay with
4. The person behind the desk you pay for your purchases
5. Structure behind which the shopkeeper stands in a traditional small shop.
6.Wheeled container used by shoppers in supermarkets.
Ответы во вложении.
1. What you have to do before you take your purchases out of the shop.
3. The desk where one pays, before leaving a shop.
7. A tax on things you buy (initials).
8. Container for putting your shopping in.
По вертикали:
2. What people usually pay with
4. The person behind the desk you pay for your purchases
5. Structure behind which the shopkeeper stands in a traditional small shop.
6.Wheeled container used by shoppers in supermarkets.
Ответы во вложении.
Хороший ответ
17 декабря 2022 01:49
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